Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

It’s empowering to feel like you are making a difference, and when it comes to the environment each of us can make an impact, even small changes to your everyday life add up. Here are a few things to consider, in celebration of Earth Day, that will help you enjoy an Eco-friendly lifestyle.

Water Use:

Pay attention to how and when you are using water. When washing dishes or brushing your teeth, make sure you don’t leave the tap running. Wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible. Drinking our recommended eight glasses of water a day is great for our health, but try to drink tap water instead of bottled water to reduce plastic packaging waste.


Walking or riding your bike whenever possible will reduce greenhouse gases at the same time as it burns calories – it’s a win win situation. If you have no choice but to drive, try carpooling when you can and try to combine groups of errands together to make less trips.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:

Make these three words your new everyday mantra. When you’re cooking, reduce pollution by putting that can of pesto or jar of tomatoes into recycling rather than the garbage. When grocery shopping choose products with the least amount of packaging and choose fresh local products whenever possible and bring your own bags.


Composting is easier than you think and there are tons of helpful tutorials online to help you get started. Think about how much trash you accumulate in one year that is taking up space in landfills, reduce your impact and start a compost. It’s easy to do and it makes fabulous fertilizer for your garden!

Commit to making these small changes now and see how they add up. Not only are they good for the Earth but they’re also good for our health and wallets.

Here are some other tips and activities that will help you celebrate Earth day and enjoy an Eco-friendly lifestyle:

10 Tips for Planning a Green Wedding
Make an Up-Cycled Pop Can Card using an empty pop can
Create a paper flower bouquet that you can then plant and grow flowers

Learn more about this special paper made by Botanical PaperWorks that uses post-consumer materials and is embedded with seeds so that it will grow when planted!


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