Bumblebee resting on a flower

Working Wonders With Botanical PaperWorks – Interview With Green Fingers

As a company with a passion for eco-living, we were thrilled when the team at Green Fingers wanted to chat with us about the importance of eco-friendly products, gardening and water-saving tips. Green Fingers shares a variety of articles related to gardening including tips, guides and interviews with experts. In the interview, we shared information about our seed paper, recycling tips and even ways to attract more bees and butterflies to your own garden. We want to send a big thank you to the team for asking us such smart, thought-provoking questions about being green and reducing your carbon footprint.

Read the full interview here!

Want to learn more about our seed paper?

No matter what kind of life event you’re organizing, there’s a seed paper product that will make it extra special and eco-friendly. We have a wide range of products and styles that are all customizable so you can include the right colors, messages and dates for the event. In addition to being interative, it’s biodegradable so you and your guests will feel great knowing that the celebration leaves no waste behind. Instead, you’ll all get to #growgoodthings. Perfect for a variety of events and purposes including crafting, weddings, memorials and corporate promotions.

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