Green Fundraising and a Sneak Peek

Green Fundraising and a Sneak Peek

I hate to say the “F Word” on such a clean-worded blog…but today, I just can’t help it.


Ok, so it’s not REALLY a bad word, but with school starting up next week, and summer holidays winding down it definitely feels like it some days. Especially when the summer months around here have been absolutely beautiful.

But with kids heading back to school next week, I thought I would take a minute and let you know about the Botanical PaperWorks Green Fundraising Program!

green fundraising program

If you haven’t heard about our Green Fundraising Program before, that’s okay – it’s still pretty new. The idea came about last spring, when our company president Heidi was talking to a few other parents about all the school fundraisers going on in the neighborhood – kids were frequently at their doors, and most of their sales were for chocolate and other food-based campaigns. These sorts of sales often result in freezers and cupboards filled with products that normally wouldn’t occupy that space in the first place!

So with that in mind, we thought it would be great to offer a more useful and green fundraising program. After all, who doesn’t need birthday cards or gift ideas for the holidays, right?!

Here’s a little bit more about how it works:

  • First up, it’s a Green Fundraising Program, so of course it’s going to be extremely eco-friendly! All of the unique products in the brochure include plantable paper and other components made from recycled and post-consumer materials as well. So not only are they great products, but they also help promote social responsibility and the importance of recycling to the members of your school or organization. And we think that is really cool.
  • Our Fundraising Product Brochure is updated twice a year (August and January). We pick and choose a great selection of our newest and best-selling products, which means that the product options will always suit upcoming holidays, as well as provide a bunch of general gift-giving ideas. Keeping our brochure selection fresh means that there is always new and exciting things for people to buy (and that means more money for your organization!).
  • And speaking of money – the Green Fundraising Program offers you 40% commission on all of your sales!
  • Last but not least, we’ve made the ordering process as easy as possible for you! Completely hassle-free.

We didn’t want this to sound like a sales pitch, we just really think that the Green Fundraising Program will be very successful for any organization trying to earn a bit of extra money! And as we mentioned above, with kids heading back to school this week and next, we’ve updated the brochure and have it all ready to go.

Visit our Green Fundraising Program page to download the Green Fundraising Information Guide, which answers any additional questions you may have. You can also download the Green Fundraising Product Brochure, and see what’s included for the fall/winter seasons (just a hint…but there’s some new stuff in there we haven’t had a chance to show you yet!).

And as always, you can talk to us directly by contacting our School Fundraising Program Manager as well. We’d be so happy to hear from you and get you started!

Learn more about this special paper made by Botanical PaperWorks that uses post-consumer materials and is embedded with seeds so that it will grow when planted!


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